I do not understand the arrows in the PDA graph...
I have a PDA that accepts all strings with parentheses nested like ((((()))))
, (())
, ((()))
etc. It has two states where the first state has an arrow that loops and the behavor of this is described as (,ε/(
For what I could see, this description would accept the (
sign if there is an ε on the top of the stack, and if there is, the ε
would be replaced with (
So if the stack looked like this in the beginning:
it looks like this now:
How can it be so that this loop arrow keep accepting every (
sign even if the ε
is not at the top of the stack anymore?
You would need a another behavior for that state that said: (, (->( This transition should take you to another state(an auxillary state). That aux state's only transition would be ε, ε->(
From your original state you would need to pop ( off the stack when you see a ) ), (->ε
Here is a similiar example of mine that contains more a's than b's (problem number 1)