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display argparse help within pydoc

I have seen questions about displaying pydoc in the output of argparse's help, but I haven't seen anything about the reverse, which to me, seems more useful.

Is there any way to have pydoc automagically render the synopsis and per-item help description for a Python program?


  • You can access the help string with the format_help() method. You could use that to add to your script's doc string. One simple example:

    This is my script.
    import argparse
    def _make_parser():
        p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        p.add_argument("foo", help="Specify foo")
        x = p.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
        return p
    _p = _make_parser()
    __doc__ += _p.format_help()
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        args = _p.parse_args()