Let's assume, I have a list of points. One QTableView
shows the list in Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z). Another QTableView
shows the projection of every point to an arbitrarily chosen plane (x', y'). Now, I would like to share row selections between these two views. It should not matter, in which view the user edits the selection.
I am pretty sure that a QAbstractProxyModel
derivative cannot be used right away, because the (x, y, z) cannot be transformed into (x', y') by simple index projections, or permutations.
Workaround: The two models for (x, y, z) and (x', y') are joined by a third model with (x, y, z, x', y') rows. Now, two QSortFilterProxyModels
break up the joined columns, again. Every selection by any view is actually a selection of (x, y, z, x', y') rows, and therefore shared.
It seems clumsy, to write a whole model that joins columns, just to break them up again. However, synchronizing two selection models by connecting currentRowChanged
, requires signal loop handling, and the QAbstractProxyModel
interface does not to support multiple submodels. Is the workaround really the way to go? Or is there a better one?
Best regards, Marian
Additional information (edited April 2nd):
Each QtableView has a Selection model. For each of the two QtableViews you can connect the signal currentChanged of the selection model to a slot change the selection of the other QtableView by setCurrentIndex. This can be done like:
void MyClass::onCurrentChanged1(QModelIndex curIndex, QModelIndex prevIndex)
int newRow = curIndex.row();
int curRow = ui->tabaleView2->selectionModel()->currentIndex().row();
if( newRow != curRow )
QModelIndex newIndex = ui->tabaleView2->model()->index(row, 0);
void MyClass::onCurrentChanged2(QModelIndex curIndex, QModelIndex prevIndex)
int newRow = curIndex.row();
int curRow = ui->tabaleView1->selectionModel()->currentIndex().row();
if( newRow != curRow )
QModelIndex newIndex = ui->tabaleView1->model()->index(row, 0);