How can I use the Jacobian written below as function from (x, y) ?
g := (x, y) -> x - y
u := (x, y) -> x^2 + y^2
J := jacobian([g(x, y), u(x, y)], [x, y]);
My idea was to make funcion like this
Jf := (u, v) -> subs(x = u, y = v, J(x, y))
but it returns ugly matrix with brakets inside.
P. S. I use Maple 17
The linalg package (which exports the jacobian
command) and lowercase matrix
are deprecated. Use LinearAlgebra and Matrix instead, and VectorCalculus:-Jacobian
Also, note the use of unapply
g := (x, y) -> x - y:
u := (x, y) -> x^2 + y^2:
[ 1 -1 ]
J := [ ]
[2 x 2 y]
[1 -1]
[ ]
[2 2]
[ 1 -1 ]
[ ]
[2 s 2 t]