I did same hash like this:
my %tags_hash;
Then I iterate some map and add value into @tags_hash:
if (@tagslist) {
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#tagslist; $i++) {
my %tag = %{$tagslist[$i]};
$tags_hash{$tag{'refid'}} = $tag{'name'};
But I would like to have has with array, so when key exists then add value to array. Something like this:
e.g. of iterations
key = 1
value = "good"
key = 1
value = "bad"
{1:['good', 'bad']}
key = 2
value = "bad"
{1:['good', 'bad'], 2:['bad']}
And then I want to get array from the key:
print $tags_hash{'1'};
Returns: ['good', 'bad']
An extended example:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $hash = {}; # hash ref
#populate hash
push @{ $hash->{1} }, 'good';
push @{ $hash->{1} }, 'bad';
push @{ $hash->{2} }, 'bad';
my @keys = keys %{ $hash }; # get hash keys
foreach my $key (@keys) { # crawl through hash
print "$key: ";
my @list = @{$hash->{$key}}; # get list associate within this key
foreach my $item (@list) { # iterate through items
print "$item ";
print "\n";
1: good bad
2: bad