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Spring + Thymeleaf: time in user's timezone

How can I print date and time is specified timezone with Thymeleaf? Something like:

<span th:text="${#dates.format(myDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', 'PST')}">2010-01-01 16:30</span>


  • As I was puzzled by this question, I searched extensively for possible solutions.

    These are my findings: I did not found any clean function for changing timezone and displaying it like it is in jsp:

    <fmt:timeZone value="US">
    <fmt:formatDate value="${today}"  type="both" />

    Possible solution, that works would be to create calendar instance using createForTimeZone and format it, since it returns a raw calendar value, so from this:

    #calendars.createForTimeZone(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milisecond, Object timezone)

    you would get something like this:


    As you can see (you have to look carefully) it did converted time to the timezone provided.

    Now, I still haven't gotten to the point where I can get it all to work fine, but if you add calendars.format in front of this, you would get it to properly show time in the given timezone. ${#calendars.format(#calendars.createForTimeZone(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milisecond, Object timezone), 'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm')}

    Adding "zzz" to the end of the string, always return my locale timezone. I guess there are way to work this out so it looks better, but main point for me was to find out if it was possible at all.

    Examples that work:

    ${#dates.format(#calendars.createForTimeZone(#calendars.year(ticket.ticketDate), #calendars.month(ticket.ticketDate),, #calendars.hour(ticket.ticketDate), #calendars.minute(ticket.ticketDate),'PST'), 'yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm')}
    ${#calendars.format(#calendars.createForTimeZone(#calendars.year(ticket.ticketDate), #calendars.month(ticket.ticketDate),, #calendars.hour(ticket.ticketDate), #calendars.minute(ticket.ticketDate),'CET'), 'yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm')}

    and either one would return identical results.

    Here are the results when comparing same format, using PST and CET:

    2014-Feb-24 16:00
    2014-Feb-24 07:00


    2014-Mar-01 03:00
    2014-Feb-28 18:00
