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Stackexchange.Redis ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect() does does nothing on failed connect?

I attempt to connect to my Redis Serverinstance through ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(""); but despite no server being up and running the connect does not throw an error nor raise any ConnectionFailed event. I double checked I do not have any stand-alone instance nor Windows Service of Redis running.

How can I check whether a connect was successful or not? I run on .Net 4.5 and use StackExchange.Redis version 4.0.30319



  • That should probably be logged as a bug on SE.Redis rather than as a question here. It is not meant to do that unless you have have explicitly set AbortOnConnectFail to false (it defaults to true).

    As for how to detect it if a glitch exists:

    • try a Ping()
    • use the IsConnected property on IServer
    • use the IsConnected(RedisKey) method on IDatabase (if you aren't using a cluster, you can pass default(RedisKey) to that method; on a cluster it is necessary to know which server you are talking about)