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Posting a message on facebook using django-facebook

I've tried to find the answer but I couldn't find any topic that could answer my question. I just added django-facebook to my project and I'm trying to post on a Facebook's user.

Here is the situation. Person A logs in to the system then he wants to post a message on Person B. They both are registered to the system and already gave permissions(publish_actions,publish_stream) I'm just wondering what command do I need to use? I've tried

facebook = OpenFacebook(access_token)
facebook.set('me/feed', message='check out fashiolista') 
#this is like posting a message on A's facebook. So If I use commend's command, can A post his message on B facebook?
facebook.set('B/commends', message='check out fashiolista')?

Can someone please explain how to use the command commends? Thanks you


  • Person A logs in to the system then he wants to post a message on Person B.

    You can not post to other user's wall with Graph API. It has been deprecated in Feb 2013. Use have to use Feed Dialog instead to post on other user's wall.

    It has been discussed before: How to post on a friend's Timeline after the February 2013 migration takes effect?