I was wondering if there is a nice way in which I can convert my 2D cell array into a 2D char matrix.
The cell array looks like this:
'test' 'me' '0' '22'
'tester' 'me' '14' '241'
'test' 'you' '25' '1'
And now I would like to put spaces between the columns and make the whole thing a char array. Meaning I want either this:
'test me 0 22 '
'tester me 14 241'
'test you 25 1 '
or this
'test me 0 22'
'tester me 14 241'
'test you 25 1'
Could you help me out?
I tried char()
but it doesn't care that the cell array is 2D and just creates one row for each element in the cell array.
EDIT: In case someone wants to get back a cell array of the concatenated rows look at this Combine Columns of Cell Array Matlab
Many thanks!
Well, char
gets you part of the way there, and some mucking about with reshape etc. does the rest:
out = char(C');
out(:,end+1)=' ';
out = reshape(out',[28,3]);
out = out';
(has perhaps more spaces in than you wanted)
However, a better way might be to pad the internal strings in the cell array so the total length is the same in each row, then add
f = @(x) [x,' '];
% need at least one space after each entry
C = cellfun(f,C,'UniformOutput',0);
% now work out how much extra length needed
l = cellfun(@length,C);
l = sum(l,2);
l = max(l)-l;
% pad
for n = 1:length(l)
C{n,end} = [C{n,end},blanks(l(n))];
Now all we need is:
ans =
test me 0 22
tester me 14 241
test you 25 1