We have a PDF document which we want to convert to a TIF file. The pdf contains a box with a light gray background. When converting this gray turns into a black polygon in the tif. No matter what Rendering settings it will always be black. Is there anything what I can do to influence the rendering to TIF so this gray box does not turn into black? We use the following code:
using ( Doc doc = new Doc() )
XReadOptions options = new XReadOptions { ReadModule = ReadModuleType.Pdf };
doc.Read( bytes, options );
using ( MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream() )
int n = doc.PageCount;
for ( int i = 1; i <= 1; i++ )
doc.PageNumber = i;
doc.Rect.String = doc.CropBox.String;
doc.Rendering.SaveAppend = ( i != 1 );
doc.Rendering.Save( "out.tif", ms );
byte[] tifBytes = ms.GetBuffer();
File.WriteAllBytes( string.Format( @"{0}\total.tif", workingFolder), tifBytes );
Beside this question we asked for support at WebSuperGoo. A new release which will be released soon will fix this issue. Seems we were not doing anything wrong.