I'm trying to save an ObservableCollection
using the new method in windows phone (Windows.Storage). I have the following class which is the base for my observable collection I want to save:
class SettingsModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public SettingsModel()
{ }
private string _TargetIP {get; set;}
public string TargetIP
return _TargetIP;
_TargetIP = value;
private string _TargetADS { get; set; }
public string TargetADS
return _TargetADS;
_TargetADS = value;
private string _ClientIP { get; set; }
public string ClientIP
return _ClientIP;
_ClientIP = value;
private string _ClientADS { get; set; }
public string ClientADS
return _ClientADS;
_ClientADS = value;
#region Notify property changed
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
My Code to save the observable collection is this:
public static async void SaveCollection<T>(string FileName, string FileExtension, ObservableCollection<T> Col) where T : class
// place file extension
FileName = FileName + "." + FileExtension;
// creating the file and replace the current file if the file allready exists
var file = await Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync
// openup a new stream to the file (write)
using (var Stream = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())
// serialize the observable collection to a writable type
var DataSerializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(ObservableCollection<T>),
new Type[] { typeof(T) });
// write data
DataSerializer.WriteObject(Stream, Col);
The Call of the Static SaveCollection<t>
StorageHandler.SaveCollection<SettingsModel>("TestData", "txt", Data);
in which Data is the collection which is based on the settingsModel
. The call gives me an error on the last line of the SaveCollection
method. The error of the dataserializer:
An exception of type 'System.Security.SecurityException' occurred in System.Runtime.Serialization.ni.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: The collection data contract type 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[[WP_ADS.Model.SettingsModel, WP_ADS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' cannot be deserialized because it does not have a public parameterless constructor. Adding a public parameterless constructor will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
Any idea how to fix this?
(as the error suggests, I've already tried adding a parameterless constructor, making the constructor internal but both to no avail).
Don't forget to set your class to public.