I'm running a rails app that accepts user screenshots. We are looking to generate smaller versions of the screenshots in a very specific dimension (652x408. Why that? ask the front end guy.) We are using Carrierwave and Minimagick currently to accomplish this.
I've tried the resize_to_fill and resize_to_fit resize methods, but they always leave some whitespace with inputs. I'm trying to resort to my own custom one, but I'm pretty lost on the imagemagick syntax.
Anyway, I'm trying to implement this, but I have no idea the best way to go about it. Is there a standard algorithm for this kind of thing?
You can use Jcrop and Carrierwave to crop image. Like this effect
Here is some code https://github.com/luckyyang/imagecrop But it's use Paperclip instand of Carrierwave.
In carriewave, there is some code
version :thumb do
process :crop
resize_to_fill(240, 320)
# crop image
def crop
if model.crop_x.present?
resize_to_limit(1280, 1280)
manipulate! do |img|
x = model.crop_x
y = model.crop_y
w = model.crop_w
h = model.crop_h
I feel apologetic with my bad English. I hope this can help you