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mysql> show databases
-> show databases
This is very strange, I don't think I have ever had this problem and I cannot find anything about it on the net nor here.
I recently purchased MAMP and installed it on my system. I changed the global PATH to point to the MAMP mysql and was able to connect to mysql via terminal and so I got the "mysql>" prompt on my terminal, no problems there.
However, when I ask for certain things like "show databases" or "show tables", all I get in return is an empty prompt, in other words nothing but an empty arrow "->".
I checked phpAdmin and everything is there, nothing seems missing (I have a lot of databases that I imported from previous mysql installations), I should be getting a list of all databases back as I AM connected to that exact same server.
I also confirmed it via status ("status" and "help" commands for some reason work fine and they output the info) and mysql IS up and running and IS the MAMP installation. So I don't see any reason why it should not be displaying the databases or tables etc.
Also, what is weird is that my commands and queries ARE bieng executed and work, however I get no output reply from the terminal command prompt.
If I create a database, all I get back in return on the prompt ids "->". The database gets created but I have to verify it by way of phpAdmin because, again "show databases" does not seem to work. Pretty much queries seem to work fine but I have no way of verifying through the mysql shell. Anybody ever encounter this problem? I have absolutely no idea of what could be causing this. I have already reinstalled mamp and mysql twice and even reverted to a previous mysql install that I had and still the same issue.
You aren't typing a semicolon at the end of the query:
mysql> show databases;