According to countless examples and variations of this on the internet, this should work. I have read many similar cases and comments but have not found a clear answer. This does print an access token but fails to authenticate. echo $user
always returns 0. I am suspicious there is some configuration issue on where you get the appID, something in those settings I haven't got quite right. Thanks for any help.
require 'src/facebook.php';
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => '{appID}',
'secret' => '{secret}',
'cookie' => 'true',
'baseurl' => 'http://{baseUrl}'
$user = $facebook->getUser() ;
echo $user;
print $facebook->getAccessToken();
I fiddled with the settings on the long enough I finally found a combination that this time I can connect and post to my facebook account when I run the app on localhost, why it doesnt work on the webserver is another question.