I have two files as input. (they each have more columns, but I narrowed it down to important ones only)
A 15.6 A D
B 10.3 A B
C 12.5 A E
D 14.5 A Y
E 11.4 C A
F 23.7 C B
First file is a kind of index. I want to look at the second file and compare the pairs by looking up their value in the first file and printing out the key with smaller value (if one of the keys isn't in the index file - then print out the other one by default). After that I'd like to remove all repearting entries, i.e.
D 14.5
B 10.3
E 11.4 A 15.6
A 15.6 B 10.3
C 12.5 -------> C 12.5
B 10.3 D 14.5
C 12.5 E 11.4
D 14.5
D 14.5
D 14.5
So, it's essentially an index file reduction. There has to be an elegant way in Python for doing it...
mapping = dict()
result = set()
with open(filename1, 'r') as f1, open(filename2, 'r') as f2:
for line in f1:
line = line.split()
if line:
key, val = line
mapping[key] = float(val) #1
for line in f2:
line = line.split()
if line:
key1, key2 = line
if key1 in mapping: #4
result.add(min(line, key=lambda x: mapping.get(x, float('inf')))) #2
for key in result:
print('{k} {v}'.format(k=key, v=mapping[key])) #3
is a set
, there is no
predefined order in which the keys will be reported.key1
is not in the first file.