I am learning RavenDB (Build 2851, Version 2.5.0 / 6dce79a) from Beginning Raven 2.x and am finding that the Raven-Studio is not filtering correctly.
I have a table of cities in my database, storing their populations, locations etc. I have added an index in the code, using this:
public class Cities_ByPopulation : AbstractIndexCreationTask<City>
public Cities_ByPopulation()
this.Map = cities => from city in cities
select new { Population = city.Population };
// Generates as this in the RDBMS
// docs.Cities.Select(city => new {
// Population = city.Population
// })
And registering it with the IndexCreation.CreateIndex(typeof(Cities_ByPopulation).Assembly, documentStore)
Now the index is added to RavenDB, and I run a filter the Population [long]
field on the Raven Studio, filtering between 200'000 and 500'000.
As you can see, its pulling back values completely out of the range. I have also tried with Population: [Lx200000 TO Lx500000]
but then no results appear.
To verify this I created a dynamic index, but have the same problem:
In addition to this, I'm finding that even with a raw LINQ query, no data is returned at all!
// RavenStore stores a singleton,
// so I can share across console apps in this solution
using (var store = RavenStore.GetDocumentStore())
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(Cities_ByPopulation).Assembly, store);
const long MinRange = 200000;
const long MaxRange = 300000;
Debug.Assert(MinRange < MaxRange, "Ranges need swapping round!");
// Get cities using the index
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var cities =
.Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults())
.Where(x => x.Population > MinRange && x.Population < MaxRange);
Console.WriteLine("Number of normal cities within population range: {0}", cities.Count());
// Get cities from raw query
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var cities = session.Query<City>().Where(x => x.Population > MinRange && x.Population < MaxRange);
Console.WriteLine("Number of normal cities within population range: {0}", cities.Count());
// Output :
// Number of normal cities within population range: 0
// Number of normal cities within population range: 0
The logging for this query is as follows
Request # 275: GET - 1 ms - <system> - 200 - /docs/Raven/Databases/World
Request # 276: HEAD - 0 ms - World - 200 - /indexes/Cities/ByPopulation
Request # 277: PUT - 2 ms - World - 201 - /indexes/Cities/ByPopulation
Request # 278: GET - 0 ms - World - 404 - /docs/Raven/Replication/Destinations
Request # 279: GET - 6 ms - World - 200 - /indexes/Cities/ByPopulation?&query=Population_Range%3A%7BLx200000%20TO%20Lx300000%7D&pageSize=0&operationHeadersHash=1690003523
Query: Population_Range:{Lx200000 TO Lx300000}
Time: 6 ms
Index: Cities/ByPopulation
Results: 0 returned out of 0 total.
Request # 280: GET - 7 ms - World - 200 - /indexes/dynamic/Cities?&query=Population_Range%3A%7BLx200000%20TO%20Lx300000%7D&pageSize=0&operationHeadersHash=1690003523
Query: Population_Range:{Lx200000 TO Lx300000}
Time: 6 ms
Index: Cities/ByPopulation
Results: 0 returned out of 0 total.
Some additional info that may help troubleshooting
This may imply that the schemas are not in sync, or the DB isn't sure of the data types yet, as the metadata is {}
Here is the resulting JSON from a document:
"Name": "Aachen",
"CountryCode": "D",
"Province": "Nordrhein Westfalen",
"Population": 247113,
"CountryId": "country/1009"
and C# class:
public class City
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string CountryCode { get; set; }
public long Population { get; set; }
public string Province { get; set; }
public string CountryId { get; set; }
I've manually patched the collection with
this['@metadata']['Raven-Clr-Type'] = "Domain.City, Domain"
but this hasn't helped the serializer either.
You have to tell Raven, that Population is a number, because all values are stored as text. So in your index-constructor write something like
Sort(x => x.Population , SortOptions.Long);