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Add custom page to admin menu visible only to editor users

I want to build a custom assign management and display its results in the wordpress backend.

I added a new admin menu item like this:

     add_action('admin_menu', 'register_custom_menu_page');
     function register_custom_menu_page()
add_menu_page('Approval', 'Approval Management','add_users', 'manage_approval.php', '','images/check.gif',86);


this is working fine with admin login but i need this to show when editor gets logged in.

Please let me know the correct solution. Thanks


  • The third parameter of the add_menu_page() function is $capabilities, which represents:

    "The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user."

    In your case you set 'add_users', which is a capability that only the admin users have, so it will be only displayed to administrators.

    You just need to change it to other capability that editors have, for example 'edit_pages'.

    Note that this will make it visible for editors and also for admins, since they also have that capability.

    See the complete list of WordPress Roles & Capabilities for further info.