I am new with perl and i want to get keys of Hash table generated using XML::SIMPLE
like this
$data = $xml->XMLin("tp.xml");
Here is the structure generated
$VAR1 = {
'technical-profile' => {
'WEB' => {
'mandatory-param' => {
'value' => 'high',
'name' => 'screenCapability',
'case-sensitive' => 'no'
'WAP/PDA' => {
'description' => 'wap/sparphone',
'mandatory-param' => {
'value' => 'low|intermediate',
'name' => 'screenCapability',
'case-sensitive' => 'no'
'WAP' => {
'description' => 'wap/sparphone',
'mandatory-param' => {
'value' => 'low',
'name' => 'screenCapability',
'case-sensitive' => 'no'
I tried this
print "Key: $_" foreach (keys%data);
but i get nothing; i want to print the WEB
and WAP
how is that possible please ?
Include use strict;
and use warnings;
at the top of each and every perl script you make.
If you had done that you would've gotten the following error:
Global symbol "%data" requires explicit package name
Your data is a hashref assigned to $data
. Therefore to see the keys of it, you do the following:
print "Key: $_\n" for keys %$data;
For the three values on the second level of your hash, you'd use the following:
print "Key: $_\n" for keys %{$data->{technical-profile}};
Should output (in random order):
Key: WEB
Key: WAP