I've written some bash scripts (< 200 lines of code each) I wanna share with the world, but as I'm a FLOSS fan my first thought was to share them under the terms of the GPL.
But...is that nonsense? I mean, I understand why to share a whole application under the terms of the GPL, but does it make sense for such small scripts? Or would it be the best thing to share them as Public Domain, since they're nothing really special or fancy? Or is there any special kind of licensing 'treatment' for scripts out there?
I'd really appreciate some opinions on this matter, and thanks in advance.
Edit: Thanks to everyone for the answers...I wish I could accept more than one, because they all answered my question altogether!
You can share anything under the GPL. "Hello World", even. It's a philosophical choice. If you don't mind someone taking these small scripts and redistributing them as closed source, make 'em public domain. If you do mind, make them GPL or something similar.