I've done the tutorials on how to setup Phpstorm to use live edit, and I started using the "Reload in browser" functionality, but in version 7 it reloads only that single url which i've set up at in the Debug configuration.
My problem is that before, in version 6 as I remeber, it automatically reloaded every single page that was opened in the browser, and was related to the domain I had in Debug configuration URL. (So if I had www.mysite.local set up in PHP Web aplication debug configuration, it also reloaded www.mysite.local/something, www.mysite.local/backoffice..), but not anymore in v7.
Does anybody know if it is still possible in the new version, so I don't have to make a configuration for every single page?
For now creating confifuration for each page seems to be necessary. Please vote for WEB-10165