I have an app, using this app in which user can sign-up via twitter
and I have set permission of Read, write, and direct messages , So when user sign-up to my project he authorized me that I can post on-behalf of him. Also during signup I have got his oauth-token and oauth-token secret
But I don't know how I can post tweet on behalf of that user. I try to submit a form at https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json with parmas like status , my app key and secret , user oauth_token and secret but in response I am always getting this
{"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]}
I am using python-social-auth for sign up via twitter.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
You need to specify the user access_token
with your request, that's the way Twitter knows which is the current authenticated user. With python-social-auth
you can do:
# given a user instance (and assuming Django ORM)
social = user.social_auth.get(provider='twitter')
backend = social.get_backend()
form_data = {
'status': 'The new twitter status goes here'
response = backend.get_json(