I want to download the .NET Framework using the default proxy configuration vom IE. I did something like this with a static proxy configuration:
${If} $downloadMethod == "proxy"
inetc::get /CAPTION "Downloading .NET Framework..." /PROXY "$proxyHostURL:$proxyPort" /USERNAME "$proxyUsername" /PASSWORD "$proxyPassword" "${DOWNLOADURLDOTNET}" "${OUTPUTPATH}\${FILENAMEDOTNET}" /end
Now i want an additional option where the command "inetc::get" using the IE proxy configuration automatically. Maybe like this:
${If} $downloadMethod == "defaultProxy"
I also tried the "NSISdl" command without any proxy declaration, but it didn't work :
INetC uses the WinINet API and will use the system/IE proxy setting unless you specify something else with the /PROXY parameter or use /NOPROXY...