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triangulation of 3d mesh into equidistant points

I've been looking for an algorithm that takes any mesh and triangulates it so that all edges are of equal length.

I have some experience in mesh generation and triangulation, but I don't know of any algorithm that can do this, nor can I find it.

Is there any?


  • I think what you are looking for is remeshing algorithms, for start with some Google search i found this paper and i think it might be useful to help understanding remeshing in the first place.

    Implementation wise OpenFlipper has more than one implementation of remeshing, it is open source and easy to read and learn from.

    This is an example of remeshing using OpenFlipper

    remshing using OpenFlipper

    As you can see you can choose target edge length then start remeshing process resulting

    remshing using OpenFlipper