I am new to python and I am trying to run this code,which I found on github ,but it does not work, is something wrong with the code?Or is it my fault? I am always getting the
"no data found"
skyscanner.py :
"""The script obtains prices and flight information for a given
input (departure, arrival airports and date), outputs this
data to the console and writes it to a csv file."""
__author__ = "Ingvaras Merkys"
import json
import urllib2
import re
import sys
import time
# Global vars:
AUTOSUGGEST_URL = "http://www.skyscanner.net/dataservices/geo/v1.0/autosuggest/uk/en/"
# e. g. http://www.skyscanner.net/dataservices/geo/v1.0/autosuggest/uk/en/edinb
SKYSCANNER_URL = "http://www.skyscanner.net/flights/"
# e. g. http://www.skyscanner.net/flights/vno/edi/130419
ROUTEDATA_URL = "http://www.skyscanner.net/dataservices/routedate/v2.0/"
# e. g. http://www.skyscanner.net/dataservices/routedate/v2.0/a00765d2-7a39-404b-86c0-e8d79cc5f7e3
SUGGESTIONS_URL = "http://www.skyscanner.net/db.ashx?ucy=UK&lid=en&ccy=GBP"
# e. g. http://www.skyscanner.net/db.ashx?ucy=UK&lid=en&ccy=GBP&fp=KAUN&tp=EDIN&dd=20130410
def main(argv):
input_from = argv[0].replace(" ", "%20").replace("\"", "")
input_to = argv[1].replace(" ", "%20").replace("\"", "")
date = argv[2].replace("/", "")
place_id_from, place_id_to, name_from, name_to = get_codes(input_from, input_to)
# testjuly = map (lambda x: len(x) == 1 and '13070'+x or '1307'+x, [ str(i+1) for i in range(31) ])
# for date in testjuly:
session_key = get_session_key(place_id_from, place_id_to, date)
for attempt in range(3):
# if script is run repeatedly sometimes an empty html is returned
response = urllib2.urlopen(ROUTEDATA_URL + session_key)
html = response.read()
data = json.loads(html)
except ValueError:
f = open("error.log", "a")
f.write(ROUTEDATA_URL + session_key + "\n")
f.write("Returned:\n" + html + "\n")
query = data['Query']
if data['Stats']['OutboundLegStats']['TotalCount'] == 0:
print "No flights found from", name_from, "to", name_to
return 0
#show_suggestions(query['OriginPlace'], query['DestinationPlace'], date)
stations = data['Stations']
quotes = data['Quotes']
carriers = data['Carriers']
cheapest_price = data['Stats']['ItineraryStats']['Total']['CheapestPrice']
print "Results for flight from", name_from, "to", name_to
print "Outbound date:", re.split('T', query['OutboundDate'])[0]
print "Cheapest Journey:", cheapest_price, "RMB"
return cheapest_price
# f = open(place_id_from + '-' + place_id_to + '-' + date + '.csv','w')
# for leg in data['OutboundItineraryLegs']:
# leg_price = get_leg_price(leg['PricingOptions'], quotes)
# depart_time = leg['DepartureDateTime'].replace("T", " ")
# arrive_time = leg['ArrivalDateTime'].replace("T", " ")
# duration = leg['Duration']
# carrier_names = get_carrier_names(leg['MarketingCarrierIds'], carriers)[1]
# print "\n\tPrice:", leg_price, "GBP"
# print "\tDeparting:", depart_time
# print "\tArriving:", arrive_time
# print "\tDuration:", duration/60, "h", duration%60, "min"
# print "\tCarriers:", carrier_names
# print "\t# of stops: ", leg['StopsCount']
# stop_ids = leg.get('StopIds', [])
# stop_ids_string = ", ".join([ get_station_name(stop_id, stations) for stop_id in stop_ids ])
# print "\t\t", stop_ids_string
# row = str(leg_price) + "\t" + depart_time + "\t" + arrive_time + "\t" + str(duration) + "\t" + carrier_names + "\t" + stop_ids_string
# f.write(row + "\n")
# Functions
def get_codes(input_from, input_to):
"""Returns place id codes and names, e. g. ("EDI", "KUN", "Edinburgh", "Kaunas")"""
i = 0
autosuggest_json_from = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(AUTOSUGGEST_URL + input_from))
if len(autosuggest_json_from[0]['PlaceId']) == 4:
# for cases where the first result is abstract (e. g. Glasgow (Any))
i = 1
place_id_from = autosuggest_json_from[i]['PlaceId']
name_from = autosuggest_json_from[i]['PlaceName']
j = 0
autosuggest_json_to = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(AUTOSUGGEST_URL + input_to))
if len(autosuggest_json_to[0]['PlaceId']) == 4:
j = 1
place_id_to = autosuggest_json_to[j]['PlaceId']
name_to = autosuggest_json_to[j]['PlaceName']
except IndexError:
print "No code found for:"
print input_from, "AND/OR", input_to
return (place_id_from, place_id_to, name_from, name_to)
def get_session_key(place_id_from, place_id_to, date):
"""Returns a session key for a given query, on failure exits
NB. distant or past dates cause failures"""
response = urllib2.urlopen(SKYSCANNER_URL + place_id_from + "/" + place_id_to + "/" + date)
html = response.read()
regex = ur'"SessionKey":"(.+?)"'
# e. g. "SessionKey":"a00765d2-7a39-404b-86c0-e8d79cc5f7e3"
session_key = re.findall(regex, html)[0]
except IndexError:
print "No data found for this date"
return session_key
def show_suggestions(from_id, to_id, date):
"""Prints alternative departure airports"""
suggest_places_string = ""
suggestions_json = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(SUGGESTIONS_URL + "&fp=" + from_id + "&tp=" + to_id + "&dd=20" + date))
suggest_places = suggestions_json['rs']
for place in suggest_places:
if place['fpid'] != from_id:
suggest_places_string += place['fan'] + ", "
if suggest_places_string[:-2] != "":
print "Try airports: ", suggest_places_string[:-2]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
print "Suggestions unavailable"
def get_station_name(station_id, stations):
"""Returns the name of the (intermediate) station,
e. g. "London Heathrow" """
for station in stations:
if station['Id'] == station_id:
return station['Name']
return ""
def get_leg_price(pricing, quotes):
"""Returns lowest leg price"""
prices = []
for price in pricing:
prices.append(get_quote_price(price['QuoteIds'], quotes))
return min(prices)
def get_quote_price(quote_ids, quotes):
"""Finds quotes by quote id and returns their price sum"""
price = 0;
for quote_id in quote_ids:
for quote in quotes:
if quote['Id'] == quote_id:
price += quote['Price']
return price
def get_carrier_names(carrier_ids, carriers):
"""Returns a tuple (list, string) with carrier names
e.g. (["airBaltic", "KLM"], "airBaltic, KLM")"""
carrier_names = []
carrier_names_string = ""
for carrier_id in carrier_ids:
carrierName = get_carrier_name(carrier_id, carriers)
carrier_names_string += carrierName + ", "
return (carrier_names, carrier_names_string[:-2])
def get_carrier_name(carrier_id, carriers):
"""Returns carrier name by id"""
for carrier in carriers:
if carrier['Id'] == carrier_id:
return carrier['Name']
return ""
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 4:
print "Enter arguments in this way:\n"
print "python skyscanner.py {departure airport} {arrival airport} {departure date (yy/mm/dd)}\n\n"
print "e. g. python skyscanner.py \"glasgow prestwick\" kaunas 13/07/21\n"
These endpoints are not supported as external APIs, they are used by the site itself. They can/do change without notice and some require a level of "state" to operate.
However, we do have an API that would allow you access to the same auto-suggest / flight data that the site is driven from. More details can be found at http://business.skyscanner.net