I'm working with rabbitmq permissions with python. The application has multiple clients and one service provider. I want to limit clients to specific queues while service provider should be capable to read all queues and not write to any. I try to set permissions as follow:
For service provider account I have set the following
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vhost service_provider ".*-client-queues" "" ".*-client-queues"
For clients I did
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vhost client1 "client1-client-queues" "client1-client-queues" ""
And the message is never delivered to service provider. However, if I set
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vhost client1 ".*" ".*" ".*"
it works. But I need to limit the clients to specific queues. Does anyone of you try to achieve such thing? Any hints will be appreciated. Thanks.
What I'm missing is the exchange name while I set the permissions. I've solved my problem with the following permissions: (I'm using default exchange)
For clients:
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vhost client1 "client1-client-queues|amq\.default" "client1-client-queues|amq\.default" "amq\.default"
For service provider:
set_permissions -p vhost service_provider ".*-client-queues|amq\.default" "amq\.default" ".*-client-queues|amq\.default"