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Rabbitmq permissions

I'm working with rabbitmq permissions with python. The application has multiple clients and one service provider. I want to limit clients to specific queues while service provider should be capable to read all queues and not write to any. I try to set permissions as follow:

For service provider account I have set the following

rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vhost service_provider ".*-client-queues" "" ".*-client-queues"

For clients I did

 rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vhost client1 "client1-client-queues" "client1-client-queues" ""

And the message is never delivered to service provider. However, if I set

rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vhost client1 ".*" ".*" ".*"

it works. But I need to limit the clients to specific queues. Does anyone of you try to achieve such thing? Any hints will be appreciated. Thanks.


  • What I'm missing is the exchange name while I set the permissions. I've solved my problem with the following permissions: (I'm using default exchange)

    For clients:

    rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vhost client1 "client1-client-queues|amq\.default" "client1-client-queues|amq\.default" "amq\.default"

    For service provider:

    set_permissions -p vhost service_provider ".*-client-queues|amq\.default" "amq\.default" ".*-client-queues|amq\.default"