When I start leksah an input form is shown (see image below). The problem is no matter what I do, nothing happens when I click on OK
or on Cancel
I was never able to get past this screen. I click multiple times on the two buttons in the lower right corner. Nothing.
Any idea how I can collect the meta data or skip this step?
I posted in the leksah forum and someone posted a workaround.
The Answer is in this forum post: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/leksah/haFR25h7Bkw
Ok, finally I've got it working. As I understand, welcome screen appears if there isn't any preferences file in ~/.leksah-0.13/ directory. So I just copied prefs.lkshp file from ~/.cabal/share/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.6.3/leksah- and restarted leksah. This time it opened with default 'leksah-welcome' session. I hope this tips will help you. Sorry about my awful english. Cheers, Alex
I encountered the same problem. If you only copy "prefs.lkshp" file you will get the "Error reading file....Unexpected 'M'" message. However it will work if you copy both prefs.lkshp, AND prefscoll.lkshp