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How to swich back from scientific notation

I need to show one element in scientific notation. The cout is located inside few loops and after setting the scientific notation, it affects the whole cout in the program. How can I switch back to regular notation.

This is the cout line:

cout << "Firing '" <<  fir << "' Time: " << time <<  " sec\nCorresponding altitude: " << scientific << alt << endl;

Only the variable alt should be shown in scientific notation.

I added cout.precision(2); and cout << fixed; after the line above but it also affects the other cout in the program.

I appreciate your help.


  • Try something like this:

    cout << "Firing '" <<  fir << "' Time: " << time <<  " sec\nCorresponding altitude: ";
    cout << std::scientific << alt << endl;
    std::cout << std::defaultfloat; // C++ 11

    ... or ...

    std::cout.unsetf ( std::ios::floatfield );   // C++ 98

    See also:

    c++ std::stream double values no scientific and no fixed count of decimals