I am trying to find out the key press of the zoom ring of a wacom tablet, which does scrolling but I am not able to see it in MouseWheel, KeyDown, KeyPress events.
Is there a way to find out the actual key/mouse button press of this control?
My Wacom (Intuos4 S A6 Wide) sends these codes:
kDn v=18 c=Menu d= Menu, Alt
kDn v=188 c=Oemcomma d= Oemcomma, Alt
kUp v=188 c=Oemcomma d= Oemcomma, Alt
kUp v=18 c=Menu d= Menu
kDn v=18 c=Menu d= Menu, Alt
kDn v=190 c=OemPeriod d= OemPeriod, Alt
kUp v=190 c=OemPeriod d= OemPeriod, Alt
kUp v=18 c=Menu d= Menu
And I captured them like this:
private void Form2_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
log("kDn v=" + e.KeyValue.ToString() + " c=" + e.KeyCode.ToString() + " d= " + e.KeyData.ToString() + " \r\n ");
private void Form2_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
log("kUp v=" + e.KeyValue.ToString() + " c=" + e.KeyCode.ToString() + " d= " + e.KeyData.ToString() + " \r\n ");
The first block was captured during a short clockwise movement, the 2nd counterclockwise.
To enable the capturing you must set KeyPreview in the form to true.
I hope this helps.