I've got a simple pojo named "Parent" which contains a collection of object "Child".
In hibernate/jpa, it's simply a one-to-many association, children do not know their parent: these Child objects can have different type of Parent so it easier to not know the parent (think of Child which represents Tags and parents can be different object types which have tags).
Now, I send my Parent object to the client view of my web site to allow user to modify it.
For it, I use Hibernate/GWT/Gilead.
My user mades some changes and click the save button (ajax) which sends my Parent object to the server. fields of my parent has been modified but more important, some Child objects has been added or deleted in the collection.
To summary, when Parent object comes back to server, it now has in its collection: - new "Child" objects where id is null and need to be persist - modified "Child" objects where id is not null and need to be merge - potentially hacked "Child" objects where id is not null but are not originally owned by the Parent - Child objects missing (deleted): need to be deleted
How do you save the parent object (and its collection) ? do you load the parent collection from database to compare each objects of the modified collection to see if there is no hacked item ? Do you clear the old collection (to remove orphan) and re add new child (but there is some Child that has not been modified) ?
PS: sorry for my english, I hope you have understand the concept ;)
The best solution I've found is to manage a DTO, manually created. The DTO sends only needed datas to the client. For each fields I want to set in ReadOnly mode, I calculate a signature based on a secret key that I send to client with my dto.
When my DTO comes back to server, I check the signature to be sure that my read only fields have not changed (recalculate the signature with coming back fields and compare it to the signature coming back with dto)
It allows me to specify read only fields and be sure that my objects are not hacked.