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Apportable: release.keystore cannot be found

I typed the following in the directory of my Xcode project:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore release.keystore -alias mykey -keyalg RSA \
        -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Then, the following again:

BUILD=release ANDROID_KEYSTORE=release.keystore \
        ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASS=mypassword apportable build

And now pretty much everything compiled and looked good until one last fatal error:

Exception in thread "main" release.keystore 
    (No such file or directory)

I have double checked, this keystore exists in both my Xcode project folder and in .android. I have double checked that the keystore name is correct, and the password is correct.

What could possibly be wrong? Where should I be putting the keystore? I haven't a clue why it's not being found.


  • Thanks everyone for helping. I'm inexperienced, so I run into newbie issues often. I got it to work by putting in the absolute path on my hard drive.

    instead of


    I typed


    which is the path on my hard drive, and it worked.