Heyy all!
I'm using asp.net mvc 3 and AntiXssLibrary 4.2 and I try to encode some text with single or duble quotes and the problem is that I get ' "
instead of ' or " and in Hebrew they are very useful (like רמב"ם or צ'ק). I know that there are included on the hebrew and default parameter on this method:
LowerCodeCharts.Default | LowerCodeCharts.Hebrew,
I try all the encoding methods with no expected result.
for my second problem that I try to put on my view a html string like this
return new HtmlString(Encoder.HtmlEncode(resFile));
and i get all the html format instead the rendered page, the problem was that microsoft move the GetSafeHtml()
method to the HtmlSanitizationLibrary assembly - I find it on this answer and I download it from here. Now I can use it like this
return new HtmlString(Sanitizer.GetSafeHtml(questionsAnswerString));
After that of course I added the reference
using Microsoft.Security.Application;
Now I'm stuck with those qoutes' any help?
I'm sorry for the hassle but impossible to put these characters whitelist.
we can see hare on Microsoft Reference Source of MarkAsSafe
he call ApplyHtmlSpecificValues()
and there we can see
private static void ApplyHtmlSpecificValues() {
characterValues['<'] = "lt".ToCharArray();
characterValues['>'] = "gt".ToCharArray();
characterValues['&'] = "amp".ToCharArray();
characterValues['"'] = "quot".ToCharArray();
characterValues['\''] = "#39".ToCharArray();
Anyway they keep these characters so you can not get them after encoding.
So the only solution I have seen fit to call this function is always from one place and after its execution just changed the character back :(
return Encoder.HtmlEncode(input).Replace(""", "\"").Replace("'", "'");
10x ;)