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Getting "error itms 9000 invalid image path" error while submitting app through application loader

I have created the xcarchive file from xcode 4.6. In xcode 4.6, we need to add only 4 sizes of app icon files. But I had added 3 extra app icon files in the xcode 4.6 to support ios 7. But when I submit the app, I am getting below error continuously.

Apple's web service operation was not successful

Unable to authenticate the package: 580659297.itmsp

ERROR ITMS-9000: "This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [] in the Info.plist file must be a period-separated list of non-negative integers."

ERROR ITMS-9000: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons'

enter image description here


  • I had this problem before all I had done is 1-fixing the warnings about the icons 2-copy the icons from the image assets to the root of the app