Search code examples

How does Google Custom search, search the web and why does it like so much domains with edu?

I'm trying to use the Google Custom API to search for a certain keyword however it seems that the returned JSON that contains the links to the websites which "match" my keyword are totally irrelevant to what I have searched. I have noticed that anything searched will return 80% domains which end with edu even though my keyword is gum guard for example.

I don't mind domains ending with edu however I thought this API returns the first websites that will get returned whenever I go to my Google Chrome and type gum guard (in my example). Searching for gum guard using Google in a browser returns several websites which are relevant (Amazon, etc ... The JSON returned by the API doesn't return Amazon nor does it return anything from the first page from the browser). This confirms the fact that the API doesn't actually return the websites that a simple Google search through the browser will.

Do I have to specify to the API to return what the browser will? What other API could I use to achieve what I'm looking for?

Here is the irrelevant json response from google

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   "snippet": "coded M & Ms for signaling answers and the use of a gum wrapper as a crib \nsheet. YouTube ...... dents ' names to increase objectivity and guard against bias.",
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   "snippet": "W e omit the guard below , which allows the use of e q l below. ( defu R ...... th is \nnaiv e a r gum e n t assum e s th a t the n e w i te m is a n o d e in .W h a t if i t.",
   "htmlSnippet": "W e omit the \u003cb\u003eguard\u003c/b\u003e below , which allows the use of e q l below. ( defu R ...... th is \u003cbr\u003e\nnaiv e a r \u003cb\u003egum\u003c/b\u003e e n t assum e s th a t the n e w i te m is a n o d e in .W h a t if i t.",
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   "snippet": "Design a vending machine controller that dispenses gum once. ... dime have \nbeen inserted, and a single output, GUM, ...... to add guard variable or copy. ⇒.",
   "htmlSnippet": "Design a vending machine controller that dispenses \u003cb\u003egum\u003c/b\u003e once. ... dime have \u003cbr\u003e\nbeen inserted, and a single output, \u003cb\u003eGUM\u003c/b\u003e, ...... to add \u003cb\u003eguard\u003c/b\u003e variable or copy. ⇒.",
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As you can see gum guards according to this api has a correlation with squared numbers.


  • From here: enter link description here

    Search the entire web.

    This article applies only to free basic custom search engines. You can't set Google Site Search to search the entire web.

    If you have a basic custom search engine, you can set it to search the entire web. Note that results may not match the results you'd get by searching on Google Web Search. If you do set your search engine to search the entire web, you won't be able to use on-demand indexing.

    Convert a search engine to search the entire web:

    1. On the Custom Search home page, click the search engine you want.
    2. Click Setup, and then click the Basics tab.
    3. Select Search the entire web but emphasize included sites.
    4. In the Sites to search section, delete the site you entered during the initial setup process.