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How to configure Apache WebServer to be accessed by public domain (or static IP) I have?

I am trying to setup a web-server at home on PC.

I have an Static IP address (say or Domain XYZ[dot]com), which I have configured on my router. When I try to access, XYZ[dot]com or "", it opens my routers login page.

On the other hand, Apache Server, installed on the PC, works fine. when I write localhost/index.html or - it opens that page.


  • How can I link the Public IP address to the Apache Server (or the website hosted on localhost on my PC)?


  • If anyone visits "http://XYZ[dot]com", the website hosted on my PC is opened on his/her web browser.


  • The router's login page is usually accessed via a private IP. The router's admin interface shouldn't be made available to the Public Internet.

    What you need to do is:

    • find out what your router's public IP is (you can use
    • setup port forwarding on your router. You want connections made to the routers public IP to be forwarded to your PC. Ex: Your router's public IP is and your PC's private IP is You need to configure a rule which says that any connection made to to needs to be forwarded to

    As for the http://XYZ[dot]com part you need to setup that domain pointing to your public IP with a com. DNS registrar and configure an apache virtual host for that domain (