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Obfuscating C-based binaries to avoid decompilation

Is there some way to obfuscate C-based executables or libraries to prevent decompilation?


  • No. You can make it more difficult to decompile but you cannot prevent it. My advice is to stop wasting your time and instead concentrate on delivering a fantastic product with ever-improving features.

    Then people will be willing to pay for it.

    Your main problem is that the only way to make your code un-decipherable is to make it un-runnable. Anything that can be loaded into a PC can be cracked. The people that do reverse engineering for fun, profit or fame are generally very good at it and will really not be the least bit phased by anything you do to try and stop them.

    They have access to tools that make the job of deciphering your code far easier than the job you will have obfuscating it :-) Far better to convince the world at large that your software is worth buying, and seeing piracy as an opportunity to possibly convert "thieves" to genuine users.

    For example, find out why they're not paying for your software and try to fix that. You'll never convert 100% of the people, some will pirate your code just for the fun of it.

    Check out the series of articles running over on techdirt concerning CwF+RtB (connect with fans plus reason to buy). I've found many of the points raised there could be applicable to the software industry.