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XOR on two lists in Python

I'm a beginner in Python, and I have to do the XOR between two lists (the first one with the length : 600 and the other 60)

I really don't know how to do that, if somebody can explain me how, it will be a pleasure.

I have to do that to find the BPSK signal module, and I'm wondering on how doing that with two lists that haven't the same length. I saw this post : Comparing two lists and only printing the differences? (XORing two lists) but the length of lists is the same

Thanks for your help, and sry for my bad english Rom


  • Given sequences seq1 and seq2, you can calculate the symmetric difference with


    For example,

    In [19]: set([1,2,5]).symmetric_difference([1,2,9,4,8,9])
    Out[19]: {4, 5, 8, 9}

    Tip: Generating the set with the smaller list is generally faster:

    In [29]: %timeit set(range(60)).symmetric_difference(range(600))
    10000 loops, best of 3: 25.7 µs per loop
    In [30]: %timeit set(range(600)).symmetric_difference(range(60))
    10000 loops, best of 3: 41.5 µs per loop

    The reason why you may want to use symmetric difference instead of ^ (despite the beauty of its syntax) is because the symmetric difference method can take a list as input. ^ requires both inputs be sets. Converting both lists into sets is a little more computation than is minimally required.

    This question has been marked of as a duplicate of this question That question, however, is seeking a solution to this problem without using sets.

    The accepted solution,

    [a for a in list1+list2 if (a not in list1) or (a not in list2)]

    is not the recommended way to XOR two lists if sets are allowed. For one thing, it's over 100 times slower:

    In [93]: list1, list2 = range(600), range(60)
    In [94]: %timeit [a for a in list1+list2 if (a not in list1) or (a not in list2)]
    100 loops, best of 3: 3.35 ms per loop