I generated a new model called Comment.
rails g model Comment user_id:integer content:text
rake db:migrate
Then I create a simple partial view, that I intend to call from another controller/view.
Inside of a Product show view:
| Questions and Answers:
small for #{@product.name}
= render 'comments/new'
Missing partial comments/new with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :raw, :ruby, :jbuilder, :slim, :coffee]}. Searched in: * "/Users/sergiotapia/Documents/Work/foobar/app/views"
I stopped and started the Rails application and it's still refusing to detect the partial. Am I overlooking something?
I would prefer not to move the comment form to the Products folder.
Rename partial file to _new.html.slim
. Currently html
is misspelt as hmtl