I'm searching for a kind of priority queue which allows me to give two priorites. I want that it just check for the first value then for the second one Here is some Code
import Queue
class Job(object):
def __init__(self, fpriority, spriority, description, iata , hops, cost):
self.fpriority = fpriority
self.spriority = spriority
q = Queue.PriorityQueue()
q.put(Job(2, 5, 'Mid-level job'))
q.put(Job(2, 20, 'Low-level job'))
q.put(Job(1, 20, 'Important job'))
now i want the following order of the elements
Important job
Mid_level job
Low_level job
how can i create such an order with one queue?
class Job(object):
def __init__(self, fpriority, spriority, description, iata , hops, cost):
self.fpriority = fpriority
self.spriority = spriority
def __cmp__(self, other):
'''Comparisons for Python 2.x - it's done differently in 3.x'''
if self.fpriority > other.fpriority:
return 1
elif self.fpriority < other.fpriority:
return -1
if self.spriority > other.spriority:
return 1
elif self.spriority < other.spriority:
return -1
return 0