I'm making some changes for Open Hardware Monitor. I will add the network adapter download and upload speed. But when I calculate the download speed I get a wrong calculation.
I can't use a timer to calculate the correct download speed because of the auto update in OHM. In the source here you can see how I calculate the download speed (in Mb/s).
In the construct of the class i do:
IPv4InterfaceStatistics interfaceStats = netInterfaces.GetIPv4Statistics();
bytesSent = interfaceStats.BytesSent;
bytesReceived = interfaceStats.BytesReceived;
stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
When the update method is called (in some random times) I do this:
IPv4InterfaceStatistics interfaceStats = netInterfaces.GetIPv4Statistics();
long time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
if (time != 0)
long bytes = interfaceStats.BytesSent;
long bytesCalc = ((bytes - bytesSent)*8);
usedDownloadSpeed.Value = ((bytesCalc / time) * 1000)/1024;
bytesSent = bytes;
Hope someone can see my issue?
Added screenshot
There where a few conversion issues with my previous code. Now I have this source and it works. Tnx all for answering.
interfaceStats = netInterfaces.GetIPv4Statistics();
//Calculate download speed
downloadSpeed.Value = Convert.ToInt32(interfaceStats.BytesReceived - bytesPreviousReceived) / 1024F;
bytesPreviousReceived = interfaceStats.BytesReceived;