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How do you use a correlation matrix as the input into princomp() in R

I have a dataframe that represents the correlation matrix of a large data set:

> data
   V1    V2    V3    V4    V5    V6    V7    V8
1 1.000 0.846 0.805 0.859 0.473 0.398 0.301 0.382
2 0.846 1.000 0.881 0.826 0.376 0.326 0.277 0.415
3 0.805 0.881 1.000 0.801 0.380 0.319 0.237 0.345
4 0.859 0.826 0.801 1.000 0.436 0.329 0.327 0.365
5 0.473 0.376 0.380 0.436 1.000 0.762 0.730 0.629
6 0.398 0.326 0.319 0.329 0.762 1.000 0.583 0.577
7 0.301 0.277 0.237 0.327 0.730 0.583 1.000 0.539
8 0.382 0.415 0.345 0.365 0.629 0.577 0.539 1.000

I want to do principal component analysis using the princomp() in {stats} I tried reading the documentation available, and got:

myPCA <- princomp(~V1+V2+V3+V4+V5+V6+V7+V8, data=data, covmat=data)

But this does not do anything different than when I left off the last argument. Please advise on the correct way to use the princomp() parameters.


  • You may want to try using the principal function under psych package.

    Below is an excerpt from

     # Principal Axis Factor Analysis
     fit <- principal(mydata, nfactors=5, rotate="varimax")
     fit # print results

    mydata can be a raw data matrix or a covariance matrix.