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Setting GHCi prompt inside multiline blocks

GHCi's prompt can be set as follows, which is in my .ghci:

:set prompt "λ> "

However, a different prompt appears in multiline blocks, and I can't figure out how to change it. It is completely unreadable if too many modules are imported:

λ> :{
Prelude Control.Arrow Control.Applicative Control.Monad Control.Concurrent Control.Concurrent.Async Control.Parallel Data.String Data.Char Data.List Data.Maybe Data.Monoid Control.Monad.IO.Class|

Is there a way to set this secondary prompt? Alternatively, are there other good ways to run Haskell interactively where multiline expressions are displayed in a more friendly manner?


  • In GHC 7.8.1 and newer, you can change the continuation prompt using :set prompt2.

    See GHC #7509.