I try to use Vim as much as I can to learn it.
Today I had to write lots of mathematical functions. I wrote them like f(x)=e^(x/sqrt(x))
(nonsensefunction for example) but this is very hard to read.
My idea was to use the console output of maxima and insert it in the text to get something like:
f(x) := e
which is very easy to read.
I already know a lot of maxima commands so it would be very easy and productive for me to write formulas in the maxima syntax and get them in this wonderful output :)
I had absolutely no experience with vimscript. How can I do this?
i use this in my ~/.vimrc
" calls maxima --very-quit -r "[ARG];"
function! AsciiMath(formula)
let cmdln='maxima --very-quiet -r "'.a:formula.';"'
let @a=system(cmdln)
if !v:shell_error
" echo @a
put a
echo '"'.a:formula.'" is an invalid maxima expression"'
and call it like:
:call AsciiMath("f(x):=e^(x/sqrt(x))")
i think the function is straght forward to understand, but there are some tricky parts:
requires a register as argument see :h registers
and :h put
they need the prefix
(namespace) a:
use it like a:formula
file then you should use function!
of function
because otherwise you 'll get an error (something like
"[FUNCTIONNAME] is allready defined")system()
returns the console output of its argument as returnvalue and puts the returnvalue of its argument in v:shell_error