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Split text between brackets in Objective-C

I need to split the text (NSString), that looks like this:

[text],[more text here].

How do I store in a String[] the two texts between brackets, separated by a ","?


  • You can solve this problem using a regular expression and NSRegularExpression.

    Construct a pattern which matches the text between brackets. For example the pattern @"\\[([^]]*)]" matches an opening bracket \\[ - the backslash is required to treat the bracket as a literal character, zero or more characters except a closing bracket [^]]*, groups that text so it referred to ([^]]*), and a closing bracket ]. You can build up a pattern which matches comma separated sequences of bracket text, or just look for multiple matches of bracketed text - depending on your requirements.

    Once you've created your regular expression, using the methodregularExpressionWithPattern:options:error:, the method matchesInString:options:range: can be used obtain an array of all the matches. You can process this array to produce your required array of strings.