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Angular 1 - get current URL parameters

I want to extract data from current URL and use it in controller. For example I have this url:

Bits that I want to extract: :type / :id

Is there anything in Angular that could help me with this task ?


  • To get parameters from URL with ngRoute . It means that you will need to include angular-route.js in your application as a dependency. More information how to do this on official ngRoute documentation.

    The solution for the question:

    // You need to add 'ngRoute' as a dependency in your app
    angular.module('ngApp', ['ngRoute'])
        .config(function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
            // configure the routing rules here
            $routeProvider.when('/backend/:type/:id', {
                controller: 'PagesCtrl'
            // enable HTML5mode to disable hashbang urls
        .controller('PagesCtrl', function ($routeParams) {
            console.log($, $routeParams.type);

    If you don't enable the $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);. Urls will use hashbang(/#/).

    More information about routing can be found on official angular $route API documentation.

    Side note: This question is answering how to achieve this using ng-Route however I would recommend using the ui-Router for routing. It is more flexible, offers more functionality, the documentations is great and it is considered the best routing library for angular.