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Sahi: _include in if statements

I'm trying to run the following code as a sahi script:


function currentTime(){
    var $current = new Date();
    var $hours = $current.getHours();
    var $minutes = $current.getMinutes();

    if ($minutes < 10){
        $minutes = "0" + minutes;

    if($hours > 11){
        _log("It is " + $hours + ":" + $minutes + " PM");
    else {
        _log("It is " + $hours + ":" + $minutes + " AM");

    if($hours >= 8 || $hours =< 20) {
    else {
        //do nothing and continue below


Simply put, I have a block of various scripts, followed by a check of the current time. If it isn't between 8am and 8pm, the included block of scripts is skipped and the others below are executed. The _logs tell me that getting the time appears to work as intended. Yet whenever I attempt to run the script as is, I get an immediate failure and completely unrelated Syntax Errors (such as on an _include way further down that is not faulty at all). Taking the _includes out of the if Statement seems to make the errors stop. For all I know this should work but just doesn't. Does anybody have experience with something similar and could give me a hint as to where I made a mistake?


  • as far as I can tell, this should work. A simple test:




    if (true) {

    When I run this from the Sahi Controller, I get an "ok" logged. Maybe recreate this test and check if you get the same results. Maybe it's the ";" missing after your includes? Are you passing dynamic values to include? like _include($path)?