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Unable to get collection response from cxf rest web service

I am trying to get java.util.List as response from cxf rest web service. I have tried with WebClient class's method postObjectGetCollection method but no luck. I am getting - org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.ClientWebApplicationException: .No message body reader has been found for class : interface java.util.Collection, ContentType : application/json.

Below are my client code-

String mediaType = "application/json";
        if (url != null) {
            List<DataTypeDTO>  resultdtos = new ArrayList<DataTypeDTO>();
            WebClient client = WebClient.create(url);
            client = client.accept(mediaType).type(mediaType).path(uri);
            resultdtos = (List<DataTypeDTO>)client.getCollection(DataTypeDTO.class); 

Please help me out if i am missing any configuration or other things.


  • You need to provide the provider list while creating the webClient object in your rest client. You can use the below code to resolve your issue:

     final String url = "http://localhost:10227/someService";
            final String uri = "/manageXyz/fetchAllDataTypes";            
            final String mediaType = "application/json";
            Object response = null;
            List<Object> providers = new ArrayList<Object>();
            providers.add( new JacksonJaxbJsonProvider() );
            WebClient client = WebClient.create(url, providers);
            client = client.accept(mediaType).type(mediaType).path(uri);
            response = (List<Object>), List.class); 

    If you are using maven, you also need to provide below required jars to resolve maven dependency in your project:
