Is it possible to make a call from the explorer to an GET API that has an array parameter? As you can see in the picture above, the explorer generates the URL by encoding the comma instead of treating it as an array separator. Is there a way to make it accept an array?
Here's my parameter definition in the code.
@param array $ids array of user ID's {@type int} {@from query}
Correct way of passing array as a query string is to use []
and repeat the name. For example
Unfortunately Explorer does not support it yet!
We use to support string to array conversion by splitting out of the box in earlier versions of Restler but then taken out to support the above method instead
We just brought it back in the latest v3 branch (just pushed) which will soon be part of RC5 release
In order to make use of it, you need to add {@fix}
or {@fix true}
to the parameter comment