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Cannot find the "this.b.a.q()" method in decompiled obfuscated anonymous inner class

I am reading the source code of a decompiled Java software. It is obfuscated, but I think it should also obey the Java's rules. I want this class NK$1 called this.b.a.q() method, but I didn't find anything about the b member, even for a member and its q() method. Why the code is like this?

Hi, based on your answer, I have found b in the outer class, NK. But I still cannot find a, because b is JButton object, I don't think there is an member a in JButton? I have added the outer class code below.

1) Below is the whole file NK$1.class (just like NK$


import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

class NK$1
  implements ActionListener
  NK$1(NK paramNK, NI paramNI) {}

  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent paramActionEvent)
    this.b.a.q(); ------------------> where is the b?

2) Below is the NK.class (Outer class)


import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

class NK
  extends JPanel
  private JButton b; <-------------- this is b, but where is the a in "this.b.a.q()"?

  NK(NI paramNI)
    double[][] arrayOfDouble = { { 5.0D, -1.0D, -2.0D, 10.0D, -2.0D, 10.0D, -2.0D, 10.0D, -2.0D, 10.0D, -2.0D, 5.0D }, { 5.0D, -2.0D, 5.0D } };

    ayI localayI = new ayI(arrayOfDouble);

    JButton localJButton = new JButton("Load");
    this.b = localJButton;
    add(localJButton, "8,1,c,c");

    Icon localIcon = Fi.b();
    if (localIcon != null) {
    localJButton.addActionListener(new NK.1(this, paramNI)); <---------Here is the inner class

    localJButton = FJ.d();
    add(localJButton, "1,1,l,c");

    localJButton.addActionListener(new NK.2(this, paramNI));
    if ((Gr.z() != null) && (!
      paramNI.h = new JButton("Download updates");
      paramNI.i = new NJ(paramNI);
      add(paramNI.h, "2,1,c,c");

      localIcon = Fi.c("SUITE_DOWNLOAD");
      if (localIcon != null) {
      paramNI.h.addActionListener(new NK.3(this, paramNI));
      add(localJButton, "2,1,c,c");
    localJButton = new JButton("Refresh");
    add(localJButton, "6,1,c,c");

    localIcon = Fi.c("REFRESH");
    if (localIcon != null) {
    localJButton.addActionListener(new NK.4(this, paramNI));

    localJButton = new JButton("Close");
    add(localJButton, "10,1,c,c");
    localIcon = Fi.d();
    if (localIcon != null) {
    localJButton.addActionListener(new NK.5(this, paramNI));

  public JButton a()
    return this.b;


  • Inner classes may reference the variables from their outer class. In the decompiled code, it is not shown. I believe that your this.b.a.q(); refers to something which is in your outer class (= the class where your anonymous class is defined).

    See this example. I have written a class like this:

    public class ContainsAnonymousInnerClass {
        public String s = "";
        public void m() {
            new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    When I decompile the inner class ContainsAnonymousInnerClass$1.class using JAD, I get this:

    class ContainsAnonymousInnerClass$1 implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            s.toString(); // Notice this - it is not prefixed by this$0 as one would expect!
        final ContainsAnonymousInnerClass this$0;
        ContainsAnonymousInnerClass$1() {
            this$0 = ContainsAnonymousInnerClass.this; // reference to the outer class

    As you can see, just pure s.toString(); without prefixing by this$0. Of course what it calls in fact is this$0.s.toString(); so the decompiled code does not obey the Java rules :)

    I obfuscated the same class using ProGuard getting this result:

    class ContainsAnonymousInnerClass$1 implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            String _tmp = a.a; // which was originally s.toString();
        private ContainsAnonymousInnerClass a;

    As you wrote that your class files are obfuscated, I strongly believe it is a call to some of your outer class's member's method. The obfuscator software has a lot of parameters setting how exactly it obfuscates the names so it's difficult to say which exactly. You will have to find it yourself :)