I'm trying to dynamically load (in other thread so it's not blocking) different icons for the items in a QlistWidget. But the list is huge and so I'm only interested about loading the icons for the items shown at that precise time. Is there a way to get a list of the visible items of a QlistWidget?
Get the indexes at the top and the bottom of the viewable area, and then iterate over the range of indexes they encompass:
def visibleItems(listwidget):
rect = listwidget.viewport().contentsRect()
top = listwidget.indexAt(rect.topLeft())
if top.isValid():
bottom = listwidget.indexAt(rect.bottomLeft())
if not bottom.isValid():
bottom = listwidget.model().index(listwidget.count() - 1)
for index in range(top.row(), bottom.row() + 1):
yield listwidget.item(index)