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Divide an image into 5x5 blocks in python and compute histogram for each block

Using Python, I have to:

  • Divide a Test_Image and Reference_image into 5x5 blocks,
  • Compute a histogram for each block, and compare it with the same block in the other image.
    For Example: image1(1,1) with image2(1,1).
  • Compare the similarity between two images (should be transform invariant).

So far, I have calculated the histogram of the whole image using hist=numpy.histogram(image,bins=256)

I want to divide an image, and later compute the histogram for all those blocks . I also want to use Bhattacharya's coefficient to measure the similarity.

Can anyone guide me with how to go through this one? Thanks in advance :)


  • Not sure if it is something like this you are looking for, This is the brute-force version.and it's probably quite slow.but it does the job You have to decide what to do with the boundaries though. This will not include the boundary unless the window fits exactly

    import numpy as numpy
    grey_levels = 256
    # Generate a test image
    test_image = numpy.random.randint(0,grey_levels, size=(11,11))
    # Define the window size
    windowsize_r = 5
    windowsize_c = 5
    # Crop out the window and calculate the histogram
    for r in range(0,test_image.shape[0] - windowsize_r, windowsize_r):
        for c in range(0,test_image.shape[1] - windowsize_c, windowsize_c):
            window = test_image[r:r+windowsize_r,c:c+windowsize_c]
            hist = numpy.histogram(window,bins=grey_levels)

    Below is the result and the full image is at the end. r,c represents the topleft corner of the window

    [[ 63 173 131 205 239]
     [106  37 156  48  81]
     [ 85  85 119  60 228]
     [236  79 247   1 206]
     [ 97  50 117  96 206]]
    [[108 241 155 214 183]
     [202   2 236 183 225]
     [214 141   1 185 115]
     [  4 234 249  95  67]
     [232 217 116 211  24]]
    [[179 155  41  47 190]
     [159  69 211  41  92]
     [ 64 184 187 104 245]
     [190 199  71 228 166]
     [117  56  92   5 186]]
    [[ 68   6  69  63 242]
     [213 133 139  59  44]
     [236  69 148 196 215]
     [ 41 228 198 115 107]
     [109 236 191  48  53]]
    [[ 63 173 131 205 239 108 241 155 214 183  42]
     [106  37 156  48  81 202   2 236 183 225   4]
     [ 85  85 119  60 228 214 141   1 185 115  80]
     [236  79 247   1 206   4 234 249  95  67 203]
     [ 97  50 117  96 206 232 217 116 211  24 242]
     [179 155  41  47 190  68   6  69  63 242 162]
     [159  69 211  41  92 213 133 139  59  44 196]
     [ 64 184 187 104 245 236  69 148 196 215  91]
     [190 199  71 228 166  41 228 198 115 107  82]
     [117  56  92   5 186 109 236 191  48  53  65]
     [177 170 114 163 101  54  80  25 112  35  85]]